Pages for Imposition Palette

Pages for impositionThis palette cannot be displayed in Auto mode. More Pages for Imposition palettes can only be used in Expert mode.

This palette is used to work with pages that are supposed to be imposed. Pages can be imported to this palette from a context menu of the palette, by using the main menu of Montax Imposer , by clicking the import button on the Main Toolbar or by dragging a PDF file or image from a windows file manager to the main work area or the Pages for Imposition Palette. [R] after palette name indicates enabling feature Automatic pages rotation.

More than one group of pages can exist and each group can have a separate palette. If there is only one group of pages and this whole group has been used in the imposition the palette is named "Pages for Imposition". If there are more groups or if the imposition contains a page from a different group than the existing one, the palette is labeled "Pages for Imposition A" where "A" is the name of the group.

The work area of the palette contains a page preview. By clicking a page (or by making multiple selections using SHIFT or CTRL) you can select pages you want to work with. Page selection is indicated by a different preview color. Selected pages can be worked with. They can be moved forward or backwards in their group or moved into another group. Selected pages can also be deleted from the overview (and with that from the whole imposition) or their various parameters can be adjusted. Pages can also be moved to positions on the main work area and assigned to these positions. If more pages are selected the page which was selected last will be placed on the position.

Note: If page repetition is enabled this may work in an unexpected way – previous page can be placed on the position if it is supposed to be more times on the sheet. It is therefore recommended to create the desired sheet appearance with page repetition disabled and enable it after finishing the layout – pages will then be placed according to the order set for each position.

All pages displayed in this palette show information about their number which is identical to the page number on the main work area of Montax Imposer. The checkbox on each of these pages is used to either mark or unmark the page for imposition. It is very easy to remove certain pages (e.g. a brochure cover) from the imposition this way. If you use more impositions you can assign the pages you unmarked to other impositions (the checkbox only affects the active imposition). If some pages are already assigned to another imposition it is indicated by a different page color in the preview. The bottom half of the preview may contain a number informing you about the page number in the source PDF depending on the size preview.

Pages for imposition - menu In expanded mode the palette also displays information about page size (and their amount if more pages are selected) and PDF file or image of the page. Page scale and repetition can also be set here. If anything different than 'not set' is set here, this setting is superior to scale and repetition settings in the Scale and Page Repetition Palettes (except for repetitions from the beginning). It is possible to adjust page trim on this palette – trimbox is displayed as distance from mediabox. If you change it the original value is displayed in brackets. Page bleed can be adjusted as well, bleed is displayed as distance from trimbox. The resulting sheet appearance, of course, depends on the PDF – if a design is not outside the original trim box or bleed it will not be on the exported PDF either (it will be a blank area). This setting therefore affects the calculation of position size, bleed size, page to position placement and also on a mask which is assigned to a page when it is placed to a sheet (the mask prevents visibility of a page part which is meant to be hidden, typically the area behind bleed – for example original trim marks if there are any in the source PDF). Using these settings makes it possible to create for example a missing bleed by setting a part of the original trim as bleed (and the original trim will be cut).

The status bar of the palette shows the total number of pages and the number of pages marked for imposition.

By right-clicking (or by clicking the dot icon on the palette bar) it is possible to display a menu to work with the palette and pages. This menu is the same as main menu of the program – Pages for Imposition Menu, moreover, there is only the choice of palette setting dockable / floating only.