Details of Marks Palette
Marks for print check and sheet cutting are placed on individual pages using this palette. While these marks can be turned on and off separately in the Marks Palette, this palette provides a vast variety of additional features and adjustments for them.
Common parameters affecting most marks are placed first in this palette. They are "Distance from trim", "Length" and "Line thickness". Furthermore, you can set the color of marks – black, registration or custom. It is also possible to set white margin around lines and when they will be displayed (on the front side, back side, only on the first sheet etc.). You can also save settings of this palette (floppy disc icon) and load them later. Deleting a selected saved setting can be done by clicking the recycle bin button.
After a certain mark is activated the lock icon next to it can be closed which results in the mark following the common parameters, or unlocked so that its properties can be set separately. You can choose whether to use the default common value using the first button (without the symbol) for the color settings of each marker. To make the palette more synoptic detailed parameters are only displayed for enabled marks.
Only trim marks, registration marks and sheet description controls are available in Auto mode. Some marks are only available in Expert mode and in Expanded palette view (button on title bar).
Trim marks – Show where the sheet is cut into separate position. You can choose whether this marks will be used also inside imposition in the spaces between rows and columns (but they will be shown here only if it will be enough of space between rows and columns because the distance from trim of the position will be respected)
Center marks – Can be placed in the middle the imposition, in the middle of individual positions and in the middle of gaps between rows or columns, which is useful for folding etc.
Bleed marks – Can be placed at the bleed (by clicking "According to page bleed") or elsewhere by selecting their distance from trim format. They can be used as book binding marks in book processing etc.
Registration marks – Are used to adjust individual colors before printing. Their appearance can be selected from 3 most common options and they can be placed as needed.
Marks inside imposition – Similar to registration marks in appearance, can be used as sheet folding marks.
Color bar and gray bar – Square arrays of colors and their raster for color control.
Strip – A strip formed by colored squares used to adjust and verify color balance. There are 3 ways to use the strip. In the first option, the strip is made of CMYK squares. In the second one it is made of CMYK and spot colors (if they are present on the sheet). The third way is to use your own PDF as a strip. This strip can be placed to the left, right, bottom or top edge of the imposition after it is unlocked.
Lines in the center between positions – Are mainly used to control sheet folding.
Description – Contain a text for sheet description. They can contain imposition name, user-defined text, sheet number (not necessarily starting from 1; front and back of the sheet can have the same number for double-sided print, they can be marked as 'Front' and 'Back' or the back can be higher by 1), color description (either CMYK and CMYK with all separation colors found on the sheet) and the date and time of PDF export.
Mark for automatic cutting is intended for automatic digital cutting machines capable of detecting this mark (Duplo for example). You can select from two types of this mark: rectangle or angle. Its placement can be set to top left, top right, bottom left or bottom right corner. By specifying distance from this corner it can also be placed anywhere on the sheet (depending on the specific type of cutter). Of course, the size of this mark can be set too. This mark is usually black, but it can also be printed in registration color (i.e. in all colors). Its visibility on the back of the sheet can be disabled.
Custom PDF gives you the possibility to place a custom mark on the sheet. Its distance from sheet corners can be selected similarly to the previous mark and its size is determined by the size of the PDF used for this mark. The PDF can be mirrored on the back of the sheet. This function can also be used to create a sheet background and it can contain a set of marks based on user needs (for a specific sheet size – the size of the PDF does not change with sheet size).