Imposition Check Palette

Imposition checkVarious information, warnings and errors in imposition are displayed on this palette. It is automatically updated every time a change is made to the imposition.

The Info tab shows the number of positions, sheets, sheet size and if some control features are enabled. Warnings tab displays some non-standard settings and their combinations which are made in the imposition. Even though these can be intended it is advisory to thoroughly verify if these warnings can be ignored and the settings are intended. The last tab named Errors displays severe errors which would result in an incorrect final PDF (for example if the sheet is too small and cannot hold all positions). There are, however, exceptions, where even these errors can be intended and the imposition can be used (for example while creating a booklet type imposition where the number of pages from the beginning and from the end can be different). This is why PDFs can still be generated even in such cases.