
The way Montax Imposer behaves can be modified (Menu/Edit/Settings) according to the user's needs in many different aspects. For example making Montax open the last imposition on start-up and load pages from Acrobat (Plug-in version only), do not ask to save imposition and close it after PDF is generated can be a good set of settings for fast, simple and repetitive impositions. When working with more complicated impositions it is probably a good idea to enable asking to save imposition when closing it (even though the undo function makes it possible to re-open an imposition which was closed and not saved by accident). Closing Montax after PDF is generated can also be unnecessary of we plan on working on more impositions. The generated PDF will be opened in Acrobat where it can be checked or saved and the user can switch between Acrobat and Montax. It is also possible to make the program restore everything as it was (including pages for imposition) when it was last closed.